US Large St. Gaudens Novelty Piece 1907

Medal US Large St. Gaudens Novelty Piece 1907

The St. Gaudens $20 gold piece is often heralded as 'America's most beautiful coin.' It is the subject of countless copies, reproductions, and replicas. The real coin (see this CoinQuest page) is very valuable. The copies, reproductions, and replicas are not valuable.

A lady named Sabrina sent us this picture of her large St. Gaudens medal. It's a beauty, but not very valuable.

Sabrina's coin is about 3 inches wide, so it is not a genuine $20 gold piece, which measure a little more than 1 1/4 inches. The 3 inch novelty item is made of gilded zinc and weighs a few ounces, making it one of the classier reproductions. They sell on eBay for a few US dollars.

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US Large St. Gaudens Novelty Piece 1907
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Coin: 17648, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201407, Last review: 202112
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1907, filter: 1907 to 1907
Image: us_medal_st_gaudens.jpg

Tags: libertatis gaudens liberta piece libera goldenen eagles eaglets libertas falcon doubling libertad egals liberte gold liberdad golden gildt libertao hawk liberty goldish pieces double liberate doubled liber peice 20th eagel novelty doubles guadens 3rd eagle libertate egal

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