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Sweden 1 Ore 1730 to 1750
Colombia 5 Centavos 1902
US So-called Dollar Panama-Pacific Expo Oregon Building 1915
Russia 3 Kopeks 1850 to 1863
West Africa (French, Cameroon) 5, 10, and 25 Francs 1958
Israel Salvadore Dali Peace 1978
Argentina 1 Peso 1960
Australia 6 Pence 1938 to 1963
Russia Polushka, Denga, and Kopek 1850 to 1855
Ancient Rome Hadrian Denarius with Moneta or Italia 134AD to 138AD
US Knights of the Maccabees Supreme Commander, Record Keeper 1891 to Date
Tunisia 1, 2, and 5 Millim 1960 to 2005
Curacao 1/10 and 1/4 Gulden 1944 to 1948
China 1, 2, and 5 Fen 1955 to 2011