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Italy 1 Lira, 2 Lire, and 5 Lire (Fakes are possible) 1901 to 1907
China United Maxxico 8 Reales 1884
US Command Medals USN and USCG
Poland 5, 10, and 20 Fenigow 1917 and 1918
Australia Prison Money from South Australia 1 through 60 Marks 1900 to 1910
Germany Muenchner Glueckspfennig (Munich Lucky Penny)
Ancient Greece Alexander the Great Drachm and Stater 336BC to 250BC
US Franklin Half Dollar 1948 to 1963
Italy Papal States 5, 10 Soldi and 1, 2, 2 1/2, 5 Lire (Pius IX) 1866 to 1870
France Monnaie de Paris Tourist
Medieval Italy Milan 25 Soldi 1535 to 1556
Pakistan 1 Pie 1951 to 1957
Japan 5 Sen 1940 to 1943
Rome Ceasar Augustus Novelty Coin