CoinQuest: What is my old coin worth?

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Do you have an old coin and wonder what it is worth? That's great! First, find our picture of your coin using the FIND, BROWSE, LOCATION, or GENRE buttons. Then select the picture to get a full description of your coin, including its catalog value. For more site details, click the ABOUT button. To try it out, click one of the coin pictures below. Happy collecting!

US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Turkey 1 and 2 Kurush 1876 to 1908
  US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Germany Nazi Donation Token 1932 and 1933
US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Medieval Spain (Aragon) Obolo and Dinero of James I 1213 to 1276
  US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Ancient Greece Macedon Hercules Zeus Tetradrachm (Fakes are possible) 336BC to 323BC
US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Germany (Trier) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Pfennig (FGC, JPC, and CWC Monograms) 1748 to 1789
  US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Costa Rica 50 Colones 1970
US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Sweden 1, 2, and 5 Ore 1909 to 1950
  US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
US Hussey Special Message 1863
US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Mexico John F. Kennedy
  US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Australia G & WH Rocke One Penny 1859
US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Medieval France Royal Coinage of Philip III, IV, and V (Fakes are possible) 1270 to 1322
  US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Germany (Saxony Albertine) 1/12 Thaler (Johann Georg III) 1690 and 1691
US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
Canada (Upper) Penny and Half Penny Tokens 1850 to 1857
  US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879
US American Cowboy and Sitting Bull 1879

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