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Spain 20, 40, and 100 Reales 1850 to 1864
Germany Nazi Donation Token 1932 and 1933
US Secret Society (Knights of Pythias) 1914
India Hindu Good Luck with Wizard and All-Seeing Eye
Germany (Baden) 10 and 20 Marks 1909 to 1914
France 10 Francs 1988
Early China Tai He Zhong Bao Amulet (Jin Dynasty)
US Gold Seal Award (Watling Slot Machines) (Fakes are possible) 1933 to 1939
Pitcairn Island Pitcairn Island 75 Dollars 1997
Germany Bavaria 2 Thaler 1837
Mexico Peso 1870 to 1873
US States of the Union Bronze Coin Set
Ancient Rome Widow's Mite (Lepton) 103BC to 76AD
Russia Denga (1/2 Kopek) 1700 to 1754