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Great Britain Fine Sovereign (Elizabeth I) (Fakes are possible) 1550 to 1600
Austria Ducat (Franz I) (Fakes are possible) 1745 to 1765
Sweden 1 Krona and 2, and 5 Kronor (Gustav VI) 1952 to 1971
Great Britain William IV Reform Bill and Abolition Commemorative 1832 to 1837
Hungary 2 Filler 1892 to 1918
Canada British Columbia (Counterfeit) 1862
Germany Saxony 3 Mark 1913
Germany 1, 2, and 3 Kopeks (Ober Ost) 1916
Pakistan 1/2 Anna and 2 Annas 1948 to 1951
Canada (Upper) Penny and Half Penny Tokens 1850 to 1857
Austria Gold 20 and 100 Kronen 1923 and 1924
Russia Denga (1/2 Kopek) 1700 to 1754
Russia 1/4 and 1/2 Kopek 1894 to 1916
US Kossuth - Nothing Is Impossible - Washington of Hungary 1850 to 1870