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Italy Naples and Sicily 1 Grano 1788 to 1800
Bulgaria 50 and 100 Leva 1934 to 1937
Algeria Dinar 1964
Great Britain World War I 1914 to 1918
China 8 Immortals Commemoratives
Austria Maria Theresa Jeton 1760
Israel 10 Agorot 1960 to 1980
Germany Saxony 3 Mark 1913
Mexico Child Soldier Medal 1938
US 1922 No D Lincoln Cent 1922
Algeria 5 and 10 Centimes Chamber of Commerce 1916 to 1921
Austria Kreuzers and Thalers (Maria Theresa) 1741 to 1779
Belgium 1 and 5 Francs 1948 to 1979
Germany Reichsbank Direktorium Gold Plated Souvenirs 1888