Iran 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50 Dinars 1931 to 1953

Iran 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50 Dinars 1931 to 1953

The Lion and Sun, or Shir-o-khorshid, is one of the better-known emblems of Iran. Between 1310 and 1332 Iran issued several different denominations of dinar coins made out of bronze and aluminum bronze. Don't be fooled by the date, these are modern coins. It is an SH (solar Hejira) date, which is based on the life of Muhammad. To get the AD (Gregorian) date, add 621 to the SH date. In other words:

AD (Gregorian, western) date = SH date on coin + 621

For a 1317 coin, the AD date is 1938.

There are many coins that look the same, that is, they have the lion, saber, and sun pattern. This page applies to the bronze coins. Click to this CoinQuest page if your coin is made of silver.

You can figure out the date and denomination on these coins using eastern Arabic numerals. The date appears on the side without the lion, at the bottom. The denomination, e.g., 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, or 50 dinars, also uses these eastern numerals at the center of the side without the lion, so our picture shows a 50 dinar coin.

Most of these coins are worth very little, but there are some good dates that command strong collector value. Here are rough catalog values for just about all the coins, including all dates and all denominations. See below for the *good dates*

worn: less than $1 US dollar catalog value
average circulated: $1
well preserved: $5
fully uncirculated: $12

Convert these catalog values to actual values using our Terminology page.

The valuable coins appear in the listing below. The value is for average circulated coins without any problems like spots, scratches, stains, cleanings, and the like. Hope you have one of these! If not, see the ALL COINS summary above.

1 dinar, 1310: $50 US dollars approximate catalog value
2 dinars, 1310: $50
5 dinars, 1310: 40
5 dinars, 1314: $350
5 dinars, 1315: $4
10 dinars, 1310: $40
10 dinars, 1314: $20
10 dinars, 1315: $4
25 dinars, 1310: $60
25 dinars, 1314: $60
50 dinars, 1315: $4
50 dinars, 1331: $4
50 dinars, 1332: $5

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Iran 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, and 50 Dinars 1931 to 1953
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Coin: 8083, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201106, Last review: 202101
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1931, filter: 1931 to 1953
Image: iran_50_dinars_1317.jpg

Tags: tiera broadsword garland sworeds reif sunshine saber 5th sola tiarra sword 2nd tiara tigers dinars lion crown reef sunset wreah tiger crowning lions 10th wreath crowns sun dinar 50th swords dinara crowned sunrise wreathed wreth cougar 1st sunburst sunlight 25th rief sol iranian persian iran wreaths wreathe sols wreat swordlike persia

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