Czechoslovakia 2, 5 and 10 Haleru 1922 to 1938

Czechoslovakia 2, 5 and 10 Haleru 1922 to 1938

I always enjoy nice coin designs, and this one is pretty spiffy if you ask me! Czechoslovakia was part of the old pre-WWI Austrian-Hungarian Empire and has since been re-organized as two separate republics: the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The coins in this series, displaying the Charles Bridge in Praha (Prague) come from a time when the two republics were merged as one Czechoslovakia.

Values of these coins are quite low although a few dates rise to decent levels for coins in excellent condition. Both the 5 and 10 haleru denominations are worth about the same, as follows:

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $2
fully uncirculated: $6

while the 2 haleru denomination is more rare and worth about three times these values.

The better dates are shown below, with values corresponding to well preserved condition.

1923: $10

1924: $2500
1926: $20
1930: $15
1932: $12

1929: $10
1933: $10
1935: $10

All the values above are catalog values which must be adjusted to obtain actual buy and sell values. Use our Terminology page to estimate the adjustments.

Coin: 10759, Genre: Orthodox and Slavic, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201202, Last review: 201509
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1922, filter: 1922 to 1938
Image: czechoslovakia_5_haleru_1923.jpg

Tags: escutcheon arch carlo encircled charles republicas shiled reipvblicae beading period waves karolus circal wavy periods rings weather crests wavey 5th way republique outteredge crest repvbliqve rim insignia centered raring czechoslavakia chevrons repbulique repvblique 2nd bridge water czeck clock tigers lion stylized numbers carolvs circling rearing slovak arm haleru edging encircles waive wave certer circel number carol encircle shields republika karol edged ceskosloven republiek edges style ringed squares centers circumference beaded encircling tiger ceskoslovens praha carolus coats centre ring carl boxes tailed halere three waving squarish carlos lions chekoslovakia charlie karolvs point republiove 6th 10th carlosi circles loop prague circumscribed circumscibed dots republik circuit chevron box carlvs squared coat beads boxed logo fields ceskoslovenska repub square points off arms pier tail circlet toward circle 7th czechoslovakia offcenter position czech creast repvblica cougar sheild weathered republicans numbering loops haleron bead positions tails republicia legends circular incircled crested archi towards repvbblica halerov rampant republican numbered dot rebublique arches slovakia circled positioned 3rd medial arched field legend shield feild center escucheon republ archim haler edge offset dotted ceska republica shild piers karl carlovs arche republic

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