Hong Kong 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 Cents 1863 to 1992

Hong Kong 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 Cents 1863 to 1992

Exotic Hong Kong, now part of China, was under British authority starting in the mid 1800s all the way to 1997. As such, coins from British Hong Kong carry the reigning monarch's portait on one side.

The 1, 5, 10, 20 and some of the 50 cent denominations have the same pattern on the back of the coin. The words HONG-KONG and the denomination encircle four Chinese-style characters. Some 50 cent coins have four Chinese characters, but they are not at the center. Recent issues sometimes sport wavy edges. Different metals are used, including copper, 80% silver, brass, and nickel.

Even though they are exotic, most of these coins are worth only a US dollar or two. Some are worth more, as called out below. As always, coins in better shape, with little wear, no problems, and attractive eye appeal are worth much more than coins that are below par. Damaged coins, e.g., with nicks, gouges, cleanings, spots, stains, and the like, are worth zero.

The listings below give catalog values in US dollars for problem-free coins in average circulated condition. Coins that are worn will be worth about one-half these values, often less. Conversely, well-preserved coins will be worth three or four times these values. Individual dates are not very important, except as noted. This page applies only to coins with a British monarch and 1, 5, 10, 20, and 50 cent denominations. Other denominations, such as half dollar and dollar, are not covered here.

These are inflated catalog values. Use our Important Terminology page to fully understand what this tricky weasel word means.

before 1900: $8
1902 to 1919: $5
1923 to 1926: $3
1931 to 1934: $1
after 1934: less than $1
1941: $2500 (a very rare coin)

before 1882: $8
1881 to 1905: $3
after 1905: less than $1
1941H: $750 (a rare coin)
1941KN: $300 (a rare coin)

before 1883: $10
1883 to 1905: $3
1935 and 1936: $1
after 1936: less than $1
1864: $550
1866 (last 6 over 5): $120
1872H: $25
1905: $400

before 1884: $30
1884 to 1901: $18
1902 and 1904: $40
after 1904: less than $1
1879: $550
1880H: $125
1881: $275
1905: $600

before 1902: $60
1902 to 1905: $30
1951: $2
1952 to date: less than $1
1892H: $125 (must have H mint mark)

Half dollars and dollars are not covered on this page.

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Hong Kong 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 Cents 1863 to 1992
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Coin: 1110, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 200907, Last review: 201904
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Metallic gray Letters: Latin Chinese style
Years: sort: 1863, filter: 1863 to 1992
Image: hong_kong_mixed_cents.jpg

Tags: 10th mans encircled circles tiera oriental characters loop bar koenig circumscribed slicing koin queen symbol beading japanes period crowns male circumscibed emperio dots circuit circal asia koningryk twenty koenigreigh 50th queens periods rings emperer beads konigreich symbal symbles emperator man 5th japan crowned symbels koning taiwan imperator points koenigin slice koenigreich pennys chinese emperado circlet japanize crossbar imperatore kongung circle konge tiarra emperador konigin mens orient cent emperur logograms logogram bars koningsryk emporer peny koningrik slanted emp koeing tiara empereur koen 1st pearl koningrujk emperor impc circling loops pennies bead line pearls impz crown simble encircles konig chian imperaior japenese circular circel incircled encircle hong konigr 20th emperuer lining koninkrijk ringed koningin japanese circumference china beaded dot imperat outlined encircling slash circled kongeriget outline simbol imp kings slant kong character ring cents empreradur konung koeni crowning penny lined kongeriket lines king japanise chineese chine koningrijk empress dotted kongerike outlining point symbols koninklike asian imper

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