France 1, 2, 5, and 10 Centimes 1852 to 1865

France 1, 2, 5, and 10 Centimes 1852 to 1865

This pattern with Napoleon appears on bronze French coins from 1852 to 1865. Below you will find a run-down that gives approximate catalog values for each denomination. Use our Terminology page to convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values. The *better date* coins below are worth a little more than the common coins shown. Multiply catalog values by two to get approximate *better date* prices.

1 (UN) CENTIME (14 mm diameter)
worn: $2 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $8
well preserved: $30
fully uncirculated: $60
Better date and mint marks are: 1854B, 1855B, 1855BB, 1856BB, 1855K, 1855D, 1856D, 1857D, 1853MA, 1855MA, 1856MA

2 (DEUX) CENTIMES (19 mm diameter)
worn: $2 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $4
well preserved: $10
fully uncirculated: $20
Better date and mint marks are: 1853A, 1853B, 1853BB, 1853D, 1857D, 1853K, 1853MA, 1853W

5 (CINQ) CENTIMES (24 mm diameter)
worn: $4 US dollars catalog value
average circulated: $10
well preserved: $30
fully uncirculated: $90
Better date and mint marks are: 1857A, 1857B, 1857BB, 1857D, 1855K, 1857K, 1857MA, 1857W

10 (DIX) CENTIMES (28 mm diameter)
worn: $5 US dollars catalog value
average circulated (like our picture): $12
well preserved: $25
fully uncirculated: $100
Better date and mint marks are: 1852A, 1857B, 1857BB, 1857K, 1853MA, 1857MA, 1857MA, 1857W, 1864A

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France 1, 2, 5, and 10 Centimes 1852 to 1865
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Coin: 1117, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 200907, Last review: 201905
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1852, filter: 1852 to 1865
Image: france_5_centimes_1855.jpg

Tags: 10th vna encircled circles moustache loop dix circumscribed cmes beading period circumscibed emperio dots circuit circal napoleone bearded goethe franciase gallen uno napoleanic periods rings francais emperer beads wiskers francaises whisker emperator fracaise gallens arrowheads mushtash iii 5th imperator points france hawk cinq emperado una arrow circlet eagles imperatore circle emperador eaglets emperur francie beared emporer gothe emp 2nd francai gaul empereur goty gohte 1st pearl napoleon emperor sideburns impc mustache circling loops cinque napoleonic fran gallic bead centime pearls impz falcon encircles beard imperaior circular circel incircled encircle french egals deux emperuer eagel sideburn gall ringed arrows circumference beaded dot imperat napolean encircling tee centimes circled imp eagle goatee beareded ring empreradur gotee egal cinco franciaise francaise empress dotted whiskers point imper

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