Argentina 1 and 2 Centavos 1882 to 1896

Argentina 1 and 2 Centavos 1882 to 1896

Pretty coins. The 1 (un) centavo coins are relatively rare and the 2 (dos) centavos coins are relatively common. Here are approximate catalog prices:

worn: $6 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $12
well preserved: $40
fully uncirculated: $100
Un centavo dated 1884 and 1890 are common, divided these values by 4
Un centavo dated 1882, 1892, and 1896 are rare, multiply these values by 3

worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $2
well preserved: $7
fully uncirculated: $25
Dos centavos dated 1882, 1887, and 1888 are rare, mulitply these values by 5
Dos centavos dated 1895 and 1896 are somewhat rare, multiply these values by 2

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Argentina 1 and 2 Centavos 1882 to 1896
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Coin: 1129, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 200907, Last review: 201905
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1882, filter: 1882 to 1896
Image: argentina_2_centavos_1884.jpg

Tags: vna hood bride spearing encircled circles twigs loop republicas argintina libertatis hat circumscribed rod reipvblicae spear circumscibed liberta ovals sun republik circuit circal headdress female sunshine spears twig lance sprigs uno colours rings woman libera limb womans liberdad branch dos repub centavo bannered republique helmets flag libertao argentina ellipse sunrise una circlet sola liberty staffs repvbliqve circle sprays women sticks ladies repbulique helmit headband colors sprig repvblique branched fez repvblica branches 2nd libertas fem hooded flags 1st centavos sunburst republicans sunlight stick caps circling loops liberate ladys cap femal libertad feminine encircles bonnet republicia circular circel sol liber incircled centaos encircle republika stalk spray sunset repvbblica rods banner branching republiek blanket staff elliptic ringed females republican circumference rebublique liberte harpoon encircling circled argentino helmeted womens sols helmet ring banners oval lady libertate princess republ stalks oblong republica republiove javelin republic centanos

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