Canada British Columbia 1960 to 1976

Medal Canada British Columbia 1960 to 1976

Hi Nathan -- Thanks for sending in your request (BTW, you did ok on spelling and grammar, but keep working on them. Today most kids have lost touch with language skills due to the influence of the Internet. Good writing will always be important to a good career.)

What you have is not a coin, but a medal that was manufactured during the mid 1900s, not during 1871 as indicated. The year 1871 is the year British Columbia entered the Canadian Confederation and the medal was made to commemorate this fact. The Pacific dogwood is BC's provincial flower.

It turns out a gasoline company produced many of these medals for each of the Canadian provinces and gave them away as sales promotions starting around 1967. As such, the value of these medals is not particularly high. If you can find one in beautiful condition, it may sell for a few US dollars, as high as $20 for fully uncirculated. Most of them are pretty well beat up by now, so they are worth less than $1. The example in our picture might sell for a three or four dollars.

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Canada British Columbia 1960 to 1976
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Coin: 11727, Genre: Medals, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201206, Last review: 201705
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1960, filter: 1960 to 1976
Image: canada_british_columbia_medal.jpg

Tags: colombian escutcheon stemming fern tiera bloomed shiled scripts deer letter franciase stem leis lilly erors colours monograms francais british legged francaises crests fleur liafy colombia flour leaves bannered france twice lamb leaf stand crest rama antelope tiarra blossom lis flur insignia brittish chevrons colors lettering bouquet goats colo petels initials tiara flags francai legs gaul moose hind tigers lion antler flowers petal orchid fran gallic arm crown petals sheep leave leg errors shields england error stands leaved leafs banner blanket gall brittain fler tiger flower coats brittan banners stag crowning ramayana three leafe lions franciaise francaise trefoil columbia caligraphy leafy inscription colommbia canadienne springbok two caribou britt colombo canada buck crowns brit chevron bough gallen english coat britan leafed lises fracaise gallens logo lily britian crowned eland monogram leavs bud flag foliage canadian arms coloumbia pedals trefoils lilys ferns britain francie standing creast initals letters floer fluer cougar sheild fleures boughs lei floral canad canadaian one dogwood antlers ram ivy french crested lisse ones stems scrip inscriptions greenery goat pacific flowery lettered bush shield escucheon fleurs script orcid candian elk shild calligraphy initial

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