India 15 Rupees 1918

India 15 Rupees 1918

Oh, wow. What a gorgeous coin! The British minted this coin for India only in 1918 out of 0.235 troy ounces of gold, the same weight as the British sovereign gold coins. That's where to start the value calculations, with the gold content. Once you have the value due to gold, add more value due to collector appeal.

The value due to gold is 0.235 times the current value of one troy ounce of gold. According to, the value of gold today is $1241.53 US dollars per troy ounce. Tomorrow the value will be different; it changes every day, so be sure to look it up. Multiplying 0.2355 x 1241.53 gives $292.38 US dollars gold value.

To the gold value now add a collector premium due to demand from numismatists (coin collectors). Here are some typical premiums:

worn or damaged: add $400 US dollars
average circulated: add $1000
well preserved: add $1800
fully uncirculated: add $2200

It is very important to protect a coin like this from wear and the effects of external elements like humidity, chemicals, and fingerprints. A good way to do this is to have the coin slabbed, that is, mounted in plastic, by a third party grading service. Use only PCGS, NGC, ICG, or ANACS services. Do not use others. Look them up on the Internet.

Coin: 11799, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201206, Last review: 201509
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1918, filter: 1918 to 1918
Image: india_15_rupees_1918.jpg

Tags: encircled rupees georg beading period gramm circal weights periods rings emperer goldenen ind rupien 5th imperator geogivs emperado inde imperatore emperador rupie emporer weigh georgeivs rupia india emperor circling georgivis encircles georgius circel encircle georgivs gram rupiye ruppee ringed circumference beaded encircling kings ring gold king geor empress grams point imper george circles loop circumscribed circumscibed emperio dots geroges circuit gramos georgiv beads golden emperator geogius gildt points weight circlet circle goldish giorgi emperur georgious emp georgvs empereur georgian pearl impc georgevs loops bead pearls impz one imperaior georgium circular incircled emperuer ones dot imperat circled weighs imp rupee rupiah empreradur georgvis weighed dotted

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