Great Britain Coronation of King Edward VIII 1937

Medal Great Britain Coronation of King Edward VIII 1937

Look at this picture of a cool coronation medal sent to CoinQuest by a lady named Vikki. The portrait of the King and the big lion make a very spiffy medal, indeed. It celebrates the crowning of King Edward VIII at Westminster, anticipated to occur in 1937. The only trouble is that Edward was never crowned king. His love for (gasp!) American socialite Wallis Simpson caused him to abdicate his kingship to younger brother Albert, who chose the regnal name George VI.

Vikki's medal is unusual. The Edward VIII medals you see most are in our secondary pictures, and they sell in the neighborhood of $25 to $50 US dollars. The one with the boat is made of aluminum and costs less. The one with severe gouges on the King's cheek will be worth much less. Vikki's medal may be worth a little more than $25 to $50, although the scratches and gouges always lower its value.

As always, dealers in such material must buy from the general public at levels well below retail. A usual mark-up for medallic art is 100 to 150 percent.

Coin: 11820, Genre: Medals, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201206, Last review: 201605
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1937, filter: 1937 to 1937
Image: great_britain_coronation_edward_viii.jpg

Tags: viii encircled beading period light circal periods rings british reign brittish westminster tigers lion circling edouard regne encircles circel encircle england ringed circumference beaded brittain encircling tiger regnat kings brittan ring regno lions regnum king point circles loop edwardus circumscribed britt regn circumscibed dots brit circuit english beads britan britian points circlet value circle shed britain yrs cougar please regnal regni loops coronae years bead edwards circular incircled edward coronata edwardvs dot year circled eduardus coronation great dotted coronatin reyna

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