Australia Florin 1953 to 1963

Australia Florin 1953 to 1963

Australia florins with Elizabeth's portrait are made out of 0.18 troy ounces of silver. As such, they carry value due to precious metal content. To compute the basic value of one of these coins, find the current price of silver at and multiply by 0.18. For instance, at this writing silver is running at $27 US dollars per troy ounce, so a florin contains 0.18 x 27 = $4.86 US dollars of silver. Tomorrow the value will be different, since the price of silver changes every day. Look it up.

The florin in our picture has some discoloration and this means the value will not exceed the basic silver value. If you can find a coin that is fully uncirculated and has no problems like scratches, stains, nicks, or gouges, a collector might pay more than silver value, say $5 more. If the toning you describe is attractive, a similar $5 premium may apply -- but you have to find a collector who likes toned coins, most don't.

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Australia Florin 1953 to 1963
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Coin: 11891, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201206, Last review: 201606
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1953, filter: 1953 to 1963
Image: australia_florin_1960.jpg

Tags: escutcheon kangaroo emu tiera shiled crests lizabeth crest tiarra insignia chevrons elizebeth tiara arm crown shields coats crowning elizibeth kangaroos elisabeth crowns elizabet chevron ostrich coat elizabeth logo crowned arms elisabet elizabith creast sheild australian australia kangroo florin crested shield escucheon shild

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