Australia Florin Parliament House 1927

Australia Florin Parliament House 1927

The new Parliament House opened in 1927 and this florin, with a special reverse side, commemorated the occasion. Like other Australian florins of the time (see this link for them), the Parliament House florin contains 0.336 troy ounces of silver.

Approximate catalog values are:

worn: $10 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $15
well preserved: $20
fully uncirculated: $85

Our Important Terminology page presents concepts for converting these catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

In the case of Lean Thomas's coin, which has uneven toning, the actual value will probably be affected negatively. Collectors do not like coins that are toned in one spot and not in another.

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Australia Florin Parliament House 1927
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Coin: 11909, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201206, Last review: 201606
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1927, filter: 1927 to 1927
Image: australia_florin_parliament_1927.jpg

Tags: dwelling scrolwork georg fort rex emperer british ind imperator geogivs emperado courthouse inde imperatore emperador brittish emporer filigree septer georgeivs india emperor architectural skyline georgivis scroll georgius georgivs england cabin elliptic scepter rexf skyscraper brittain scrollwork omn brittan hut parliment geor empress imper rexx sceptrum george britt rexm emperio ovals sceptor brit geroges scrolls parliament barn sceptre english georgiv britan emperator geogius britian septor scolled ellipse battlements building giorgi emperur casa britain georgious emp georgvs empereur residence georgian australian australia impc georgevs impz one imperaior georgium florin architecture rexano buildings home house emperuer scrolled ones workhouse imperat houses imp buildin oval empreradur georgvis oblong structure

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