Poland 2, 5, and 10 Zlotych 1932 to 1934

Poland 2, 5, and 10 Zlotych 1932 to 1934

Yes, that is Queen Jadwiga on the front of this neat coin from Poland. These are silver coins with the following silver content:

2 zlote: 0.106 troy ounces silver
5 zlotych: 0.265 ounces
10 zlotych: 0.531 ounces

The silver content gives the base value (BV) for these coins. If you have one in good shape, collectors will pay over the silver value. Here are some typical catalog values:

worn: base value*
average circulated: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
well preserved: $10
fully uncirculated: $35

worn: base value*
average circulated: $6 US dollars approximate catalog value
well preserved: $12
fully uncirculated: $70

worn: base value*
average circulated: $12 US dollars approximate catalog value
well preserved: $25
fully uncirculated: $120

To figure the base value for this coin, find the current price of silver at web sites like kitco.com and multiply by the silver content shown above. For instance, if silver is trading, say, at $20 US dollars per troy ounce, then the BV for a 5 zlotych would be 0.265 x 20 = $5.30 US dollars.

Coin: 12020, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201206, Last review: 201606
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1932, filter: 1932 to 1934
Image: poland_10_zlotych_1932.jpg

Tags: tiera hat scripts ilika letter ray monograms 5th polskie helmets eagles poland tiarra eaglets headband lettering radiate fez 2nd hooded initials tiara iiika emanate crown falcon bonnet egals zloti beams helmet yadviga crowning polushka radiating caligraphy inscription zlote 10th hood queen crowns zlotych headdress rays queens crowned polskich monogram polski radiates zloty hawk noay liika helmit initals letters poltina caps cap one eagel ones beam iioay polish scrip inscriptions helmeted eagle polska rzeczpospolita lettered egal emanating script rzeczpolita radiant calligraphy initial

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