Great Britain British Monarchs

Medal Great Britain British Monarchs

The medallion pictured is obviously a modern novelty piece produced by a private company to sell as a collectible. As such, it is not worth very much. But, we are unsure of the origin or extent of these collectibles, and finding them on the Internet or in catalogs is difficult. My best guess at value is $1 to $5 each, depending on condition. If you can find examples minted in gold or silver, they would be worth their weight in precious metal.

In America there are countless collectibles made for US Presidents, and these are low-value novelty items. Ditto in the UK.

Coin: 12064, Genre: Medals, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201207, Last review: 201606
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Dark metallic Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1990, filter: 1948 to 2050
Image: great_britain_monarchs_medal.jpg

Tags: stemming encircled bloomed floret georg circal stem leis lilly ross rings british fleur flour geogivs blossom lis flur brittish rosettes bouquet petels georgeivs circling flowers petal orchid georgivis encircles petals georgius circel encircle georgivs england ringed roses circumference brittain encircling fler flower brittan posy ring trefoil geor george circles loop rose circumscribed britt circumscibed brit geroges circuit english georgiv monarchs britan lises geogius lily britian bud circlet monarch circle pedals trefoils giorgi lilys britain georgious georgvs floer flowerettes fluer georgian rossette fleures lei georgevs loops floral florets one dogwood georgium circular incircled lisse ones stems rosette circled flowery georgvis fleurs great orcid

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