Medieval Austria Sigismund of Tyrol Guldiner 1486

Medieval Austria Sigismund of Tyrol Guldiner 1486

Now here is a neat coin. It is an Austrian guldiner of Archduke Sigismund of Tyrol dated 1486. It is not something you see every day! Sigismund was archduke of Austria and ruler of Tyrol from 1446 to 1490.

The coin in our picture comes from Heritage Auctions, a world renowned auction house for rare and valuable coins. The HA piece is a genuine coin minted in 1486. It sold at auction around the $3200 US dollar mark. Very nice!

CoinQuest thanks Heritage Auctions for use of their coin image.

But that is not the complete story. If you go to eBay and search for sigismund coins, you may find one just like the Heritage coin, but in much better condition and selling for about $100. What gives?

The problem is that Austria often issues restrikes of its classic old coins, and keeps the original date on the coin. So this coin dated 1486 may have been minted in 1953. Get the picture?

Our summary of value is, then:

worn: $1400 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $3200
well preserved: $10,000+

worn: $5
average circulated: $10
well preserved: $60
fully uncirculated: $120

unappealing: zero
appealing: $3

There are also some genuine old coins struck in gold. They are known as 7 ducats, and are extremely valuable. One sold at auction in October of 2012 for 140,000 euros, or about $175,000. Yikes!

If you enjoy squinting at coin pictures, check our image below which does a side-by-side comparison of original and restrike coins. See if you can figure out the one you have, and evaluate accordingly. Genuine coins weigh between 31.2 and 31.7 grams. On 1953 re-strikes, a tiny '1953' appears below the king's feet.


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Medieval Austria Sigismund of Tyrol Guldiner 1486
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Coin: 12135, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: Early/Medieval
Created (yyyymm): 201207, Last review: 201704
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1486, filter: 1486 to 1486
Image: austria_sigismund_guldiner_1486.jpg

Tags: escutcheon spearing tiera headed hat shiled broadsword scripts spear sigismundii letter sworeds spears sigisirex saber lance gulden oesterreich mun galloping monograms crests avstri tustrid helmets crest knight tiarra tyrol insignia centered sword austriae chevrons headband lettering aust fez hooded initials tiara sig armour sigis septer cruciform stallion mounted arm crown bonnet crossing horseman certer shields riding guilder scepter reins centers guldiner harpoon medieval austro sigismvnd rein knights kings coats centre avst helmet nobleman aus crowning sigismvndi king mund caligraphy hand inscription sceptrum hood rider heads prance equestres crowns avstr maltese guilden sceptor headdress shaking chevron oneheaded sceptre midieval coat austrie avstriae swords crosses mundos equestrian austrian logo crowned septor monogram goldgulden off horse ride tradux arms mountie mundi head staffs offcenter austr helmit creast initals letters austria armor crossed weird sheild prancing handshake caps horses cap maltise mount one guild sigism austriacum horsehead criss sigismundi pony crested goulden staff ones cross scrip inscriptions hands mundus helmeted horseback armored mundo lettered swordlike shield center escucheon oesterreichische offset script shild calligraphy initial javelin sigismund

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