China Shansi Province 10 Cash and 20 Cash 1912 to 1921

China Shansi Province 10 Cash and 20 Cash 1912 to 1921

The 10 cash coin in our main picture (to the left) comes from Stack's Bowers where it sold for $3163 US dollars. Pictures of these valuable coins are difficult to find, and CoinQuest thanks Stack's Bowers for use of their coin photo.

If it is a genuine coin, Amie, you have a valuable piece. The corrosion will work against value.


Here is what the catalogs say about a Shansi 10 cash:

10 CASH (two symbols on back)
worn: $350 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $1750
well preserved: $3000

Shansi 20 cash coins, with a similar pattern on the two-flag side but with three logograms on the grain side, are more common. Finding reliable value data for the 20 cash is a challenge. Based on the few auction results we have seen for the 20 cash, catalog values run like this:

20 CASH (three symbols on back)
worn: $10 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $20
well preserved: $50

With all valuable coins, and especially with Chinese coins, you must be careful about counterfeits. They are all over the place. This points to the importance of buying and selling only with respectable dealers, and having your coin authenticated, graded, and encapsulated by one of these services: PCGS, NGC, ANACS, ICG. Do not use other services.

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China Shansi Province 10 Cash and 20 Cash 1912 to 1921
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Coin: 12159, Genre: The Sinosphere, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201207, Last review: 201502
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Chinese style
Years: sort: 1912, filter: 1912 to 1921
Image: china_shansi_10_cash.jpg

Tags: grain opening encircled provedendo province symbol garland reif circal tied ribbons colours rings xxcas symbal providendo symbels bannered twice chinese xcash providencia colors flags cruciform circling strip stars wheat reef encircles crossing circel nan encircle wheats shansi banner blanket wheatie wreah ringed circumference china encircling simbol ring banners opens bow japanise chineese chine symbols 10th xxcash wreath two circles loop circumscribed japanes circumscibed maltese open circuit crosses symbles japan taiwan flag provincial providentia circlet japanize star circle wreathed sash hunan prov grains starrs wreth crossed cash loops rief grass maltise simble one opened chian japenese circular criss incircled 20th tie ones japanese cross circled wreaths wreathe wreat ribon strips ribbon

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