Ancient Rome Coins with S C Annotation 27BC to 376AD

Ancient Rome Coins with S C Annotation 27BC to 376AD

The inquirer has asked about a bronze coin from ancient Rome. Such requests test our ken here at CoinQuest. There are thousands of patterns and inscriptions that require specialized, trained experts to decipher. You can find such experts at several web sites. Our favorites are:

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These coins sell at retail from a few US dollars to several hundreds of US dollars. Condition and eye appeal are critical factors in pricing.

One interesting feature you will find on many Roman coins not made of gold or silver is the S C annotation. You can see it in our graphic under the seated figure.

Gold and silver coins generally carried enough precious metal to cover their face value. But bronze coins did not. So some type of guarantee was needed to give bronze coins value in commerce. The value of Roman bronze coins was supported by the decree of the Senate 'Senatus Consulto' or SC. Almost all bronze coins issued before the late third century AD bore the letters SC on the reverse. Other than size and placement of the letters, there was relatively little variation from the norm.

Thanks to Doug Smith for his explanation of the S C annotation.

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Ancient Rome Coins with S C Annotation 27BC to 376AD
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Coin: 12202, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201207, Last review: 201606
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: -27, filter: -27 to 376
Image: ancient_rome_sc.jpg

Tags: tiera robed drape scripts curvy male letter female peoples swirls woman monograms curves man combed hairline scribble collar sitting drapery tiarra stool logograms fan logogram women ladies lettering fem initials tiara draped romanorum cloak curl ladys crown ends people consist swirl collared curtains females ear twirly bowed curly drapes comb womens character crowning curlicues lady curved roma caligraphy hand inscription robe peple romen bride mans curtain characters swirly curving crowns sit shaking seated bone ending womans toga crowned monogram sitted squiggley rome drapped ears curve seat curlycue roman mens consists squiggles sits languages person initals letters sqiggles handshake romana swoosh curls femal feminine togua robes squigle hair language romanorvm squiggly gown scrip inscriptions hands scribbles hairdo end persons bones lettered princess script ancient squiggle calligraphy initial

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