Brazil 5, 10, 20, and 40 Reis 1715 to 1823

Brazil 5, 10, 20, and 40 Reis 1715 to 1823

A globe was a popular emblem on Brazilian coins during the 1700s and early 1800s. And the reis denomination called out in large Roman numerals also appeared on many of these coins. This page applies to copper coins with the globe and Roman numerals. There are styles with shields and other devices, but this page does not cover them.

In addition to Josephus on Steve's coin, names of other rulers appear as well. Johannss, Maria, Pedro, and others.

If you have a coin in nice condition, it is best to seek out a knowledgeable collector or dealer. There are several small nuances with these coins that can affect value significantly.

The great-looking coin in our picture comes from respected eBay seller Hobbies-Corner in Uruguay. CoinQuest thanks Hobbies-Corner for use of their coin image. It is a nice specimen in very well preserved condition.

Approximate catalog values are:

5 (V) REIS:
worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $25
well preserved: $50
5 reis dated 1752 and 1768R (not 1768B) are more valuable, worth $200 in average circulated condition

10 (X) REIS:
worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $30
well preserved: $50
10 reis dated 1747 and 1748 are more valuable, worth $100 in average circulated condition
10 reis dated 1751 with annotation BRAS or BRASI are worth $200 in average circulated

20 (XX) REIS:
worn: $6 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $30
well preserved: $60
20 reis dated 1748B, 1751, 1752, 1796, and 1799 are more valuable, worth $200 in average circulated condition

40 (XL) REIS:
worn: $8 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $40
well preserved: $90
40 reis dated 1790 and 1791 are more valuable, worth $250 in average circulated condition

Use our Important Terminology page to convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

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Brazil 5, 10, 20, and 40 Reis 1715 to 1823
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Coin: 12210, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201207, Last review: 201609
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1715, filter: 1715 to 1823
Image: brazil_20_reis_1812.jpg

Tags: encircled tiera stamp iosephus slicing circal countermark rings rex 5th totum counterstamp punch stamped tiarra centered stripes hashmarked tiara orb josephvs gouges globe reis typce circling crown globes glove hashmark encircles certer circel sphere encircle brazil lining ringed centers rexf circumference encircling slash spheres gouge centre ring crowning globus royale lined band lines punched rexx 10th circles loop bar chop circumscribed rexm crowns circumscibed circuit striped countermarked circumit brazilian crowned balls off slice counterstamped circlet crossbar circle counterstamps offcenter bars slanted chops loops ball line josephus circular incircled rexano 20th pecunia stripe royal outlined royalty circled outline earth slant hemisphere brasil center offset outlining stamps punches

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