Russia (CCCP) 1 Rouble Coins 1964 to 1991

Russia (CCCP) 1 Rouble Coins 1964 to 1991

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic issued large (32 mm diameter) 1 rouble coins in many different patterns between 1965 and 1991. All these coins have the same reverse side, with large CCCP letters, a large 1 numeral, the Russian word for rouble (which looks something like PYbAb) and a circular shield with grain, globe, hammer, and sickle.

All these coins are minted in copper nickel, so their value is low. The dates are on the edge of the coin. You can use this spiffy date converter to find the date of your coin. Some coins were issued in proof form, as well as normal coins. Proof coins are special, extra-nice coins made solely for collectors.

Regardless of date or proof, these coins all catalog approximately as follows:

worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $5
well preserved: $10
fully uncirculated: $20
coins dated 1964 and 1991M are common and catalog at $2 average circulated, $9 fully uncirculated

There are some *better dates* as listed below. Values are for coins in average circulated condition:
1966: $10 average circulated
1967 with 1966 on edge: extremely rare
1970: $10
1976 with 1975 on edge: $100
1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983: $12
1988 with 1989 on edge: $100
1990 with 1989 on edge: $100

There are other modern CCCP coins, minted in larger denominations like 3 roubles, 5 roubles, 10 roubles which are made of precious metals such as silver, gold, and palladium. These are worth their weight in precious metal.

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Russia (CCCP) 1 Rouble Coins 1964 to 1991
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Coin: 12278, Genre: Orthodox and Slavic, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201207, Last review: 201610
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Block style
Years: sort: 1964, filter: 1964 to 1991
Image: russia_modern_roubles.jpg

Tags: escutcheon grain swasticka shiled broadsword male garland pybah sworeds reif swastika peoples saber pvbab crests man stand russian crest russland insignia sword swatz chevrons orb mallot globe pvbah arm wheat globes reef people swastick sphere shields wheats stands wheatie wreah swatstika spheres pvkak coats sickel globus mallets rusia hammers hand peple pvkah wreath mans mallet shaking chevron rouble pykak pykah coat swords swazticka logo pybab balls swas swaztika arms swastiks mens wreathed standing creast person grains hammered wreth swats 1st sheild roubles sledge russia ruble handshake cccp rubles rief ball statue sledgehammer pybak one rooblya swastik pygak swastikas sickle crested ones swaztica hands earth wreaths wreathe persons hammer wreat hemisphere swordlike shield escucheon pybnb pvbak shild

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