Mexico Gold Fantasy Coin 1865

Token Mexico Gold Fantasy Coin 1865

Hello, Dina -- Mexico did not issue any gold coins during 1865. Maximiliano had just taken over as emperor and he issued centavos and pesos in silver, but nothing in gold. Your coin, instead, is a 'fantasy piece' sold as a novelty or wedding coin in gift shops and tourist destinations. You can see gold coins of Mexico, as well as your fantasy piece, on the web site.

These sell on eBay for less than $1 US dollar each. They probably have 22 karat gold plating, but the amount of gold in each piece is negligible. Value of a single coin is less than $1.

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Mexico Gold Fantasy Coin 1865
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Coin: 12728, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201209, Last review: 201705
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Dark metallic Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1865, filter: 1865 to 1865
Image: mexico_gold_token_1865.jpg

Tags: mexican maximilan emperer goldenen mexicano maximiliano imperator emperado mexicanos eagles imperatore mexio emperador eaglets emporer maximilianus imperium emperor maximillion imperio falcon maxmilian egals wedding mexicana maximilian maximimilanus gold maximian empress imper mex emperio maxim golden emperator gildt hawk goldish emperur fantasy mexico emp empereur impc impz imperaior imperial maximillano emperuer maximilliam eagel imperat imp eagle empreradur imperialis egal

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