Mexico 2 Pesos 1921

Mexico 2 Pesos 1921

This is a gorgeous silver coin celebrating the 100th anniversary of Mexican independence in 1921 (MCMXXI). The scantily-clad figure of Miss Liberty is a popular Mexican design, and it is used on 50 pesos gold coins from 1921 and after, as well as modern silver and gold bullion coins. The eagle and snake is another design found on many Mexican coins.

This coin contains 24 grams (0.772 troy ounces) of pure silver, so it can never be worth less than that, even in completely worn or damaged. At today's silver price of $33 US dollars per troy ounce (look it up, it changes every day), the minimum value of this coin is 0.772 x 33 = $25.

In addition to silver value, collectors seek to add nice-looking specimens to their collections. This drives the price up. Here are some typical additions to value over and above the silver value.

worn: add $0 US dollars to the base silver value
average circulated: add $20
well preserved: add $50
fully uncirculated: add $350

Coin: 12881, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201209, Last review: 201705
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1921, filter: 1921 to 1921
Image: mexico_2_pesos_1921.jpg

Tags: fern encircled headed libertatis mexican scripts mountains captials garland letter liberta clutching reif circal female estrados woman rings galloping monograms libera platform halves liafy mexicano sliver leaves claw bench mexicanos leaf eagles mexio hills capitale eaglets centered women ladies beak estas vined lettering viewing 2nd fem libertas initials snakes beek string cord circling stallion mounted ladys halfe falcon reef libertad encircles horseman certer volcanos leave interlock circel encircle riding siver egals leaved leafs vines wreah feinsilber females ringed silver reins centers cherub circumference liberte encircling rein mexicana centre womens ring eruption serpent estado talons angel lady moutains wing leafe mountain claws caligraphy viewed interlocked leafy hand inscription preso capital rider bride wreath circles loop capitol view circumscribed heads prance equestres silber mex circumscibed circuit shaking unitos bough oneheaded interlocking silverish womans cactus liberdad leafed equestrian dos monogram beaks leavs off foliage horse libertao hawk ride mountie circlet asp head plata liberty circle wreathed offcenter half ferns undos mexico angelic angels initals pure letters wreth volcanoes 1st argent petestal prancing puro handshake boughs loops horses rief liberate vine mount femal feminine peso horsehead circular liber incircled ivy pony winged eagel pedestal counter volcano hill wings snake scrip inscriptions circled hands estados greenery eagle horseback clutch wreaths cherubs wreathe unidos wreat talon libertate lettered egal bush pura center silb princess pesos offset script strings asps calligraphy silba initial

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