Great Britain 5 Pounds Diana 1999

Great Britain 5 Pounds Diana 1999

I liked Diana. I think she got a raw deal. She is special to me, and to many, many people. Her likeness appears on British 5 pound coins dated 1999. Other 5 pound coins minted after 1990 appear in many different designs and in three different compositions: copper-nickel, silver, and gold.

The value of these coins, like all modern commemoratives, is exactly aligned with the price of the precious metal they contain. You can add a small amount, a very small amount, for subjective factors such as artistic beauty and sentimental value, but coin dealers are a pretty objective bunch and they won't buy coins for sentimental reasons.

To evaluate the actual (non-sentimental) value of 5 pound coins, start by evaluating their precious metal content:

copper-nickel: no precious metal
silver: 0.841 troy ounces silver
gold: 1.178 troy ounces gold

At today's prices of $1716 and $32.50 US dollars per troy ounce of gold and silver, respectively (look up these prices on, they change every day), that's 0.841 x 32.50 = $27 silver value and 1.178 x 1716 = $2021 gold value.

To add value for these coins over and above their precious metal content, consider:

copper-nickel: the coin is worth face value, five pounds, about $8 US dollars
silver: add $10 to the silver value if you are buying it, subtract $10 if you are selling it to a coin dealer
gold: add $200 to the gold value if you are buying it, subtract $200 if you are selling it to a coin dealer

As always on CoinQuest, these are very approximate values. You may be able to do better, or you might not be able to do as well.

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Great Britain 5 Pounds Diana 1999
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Coin: 13084, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201210, Last review: 201507
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1999, filter: 1999 to 1999
Image: great_britain_diana_1999.jpg

Tags: punt pound female walres woman british 5th sliver sterling women brittish ladies fem proof dianna ladys diana england siver feinsilber females silver brittain pounds brittan womens lady memor bride britt queen silber brit queens english silverish womans britan memoria memoriae britian wales britain memorial argent femal feminine memory silb princess gms great silba

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