Austria Olmutz 3 and 6 Kreuzer 1664 to 1670

Austria Olmutz 3 and 6 Kreuzer 1664 to 1670

This coin comes from bishopric Austria, specifically the town of Olmutz (Olomouc) in Moravia (now Czech Republic). The term bishopric refers to an area historically most common within the Holy Roman Empire where a bishop held the secular authority. In this case, the bishop was Karl (Carolus) II von Liechtenstein (1664 to 1695).

The coin in our picture comes from Dirk Loebbers in Wettringen, Germany where it is on sale for 85 euros (about $110 US dollars). Dirk's coin is in great shape and commands therefore a good price. Many of these coins you see are in far worse condition, and are worth much less.

The coin in the picture is a 3 kreuzer, indicated by the (3) in parenthesis on Karl II's side. A 6 kreuzer would have a (6) or (VI). Both coins are about the same size.

Approximate catalog values:

worn: $4 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $35
well preserved: $70

worn: $10 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $85
well preserved: $165

Apply the concepts on our Terminology page to convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

CoinQuest thanks Dirk Loebbers for use of his coin image.

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Austria Olmutz 3 and 6 Kreuzer 1664 to 1670
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Coin: 13111, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201210, Last review: 201708
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1664, filter: 1664 to 1670
Image: austrian_states_olmutz_3_kreuzer_1670.jpg

Tags: escutcheon guy carlo encircled charles shiled guiana karolus circal oesterreich rings crests avstri crest insignia austriae chevrons aust carolvs circling boa arm encircles circel olmutz carol encircle shields karol olomvcensis ringed grattia krevz circumference encircling austro carolus coats avst ring carl aus carlos charlie karolvs 6th carlosi circles loop circumscribed avstr circumscibed circuit chevron carlvs coat austrie avstriae austrian logo arms circlet circle gratia austr creast gomhs austria sheild loops austriacum kreutzer circular incircled crested princhpsrhg kreuzers kreuzer guyana circled 3rd kreutz kreuz shield escucheon oesterreichische shild karl carlovs

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