Panama 20 Balboa Silver Coins (Large Coins) 1971 to 1985

Panama 20 Balboa Silver Coins (Large Coins) 1971 to 1985

Panama is kinda famous for large silver coins. Between 1971 and 1985 they went all-out with their giant 20 balboas. These coins measure 61 mm in diameter (a US silver dollar measures 38 mm) and weigh over 100 grams each.

For the most part, these coins are worth their weight in silver. There is substantial silver in these coins, and we list those figures below. The Panamanian government purposely limited the production of a few dates (I don't like that, by the way) and these dates are more valuable than silver content alone.

Also, these coins come with fancy packaging and Certificates of Authenticity. These are worth zero (another thing I don't like!).

Here are the silver weights. To find the current value, multiply the price of silver by the weight. So, for instance, if silver is $30 US dollars per troy ounce (look it up on web sites such as, a 1971 20 balboas with 3.854 troy ounces of silver would be worth 30 x 3.854 = $115 US dollars.

COINS DATED 1971 TO 1979: 3.854 troy ounces silver
COINS DATED 1980 TO 1985: 1.927 troy ounces silver

Coins with the following dates and mint marks have artificially limited mintage and their prices may be higher.


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Panama 20 Balboa Silver Coins (Large Coins) 1971 to 1985
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Coin: 13186, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201211, Last review: 201508
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1971, filter: 1971 to 1985
Image: panama_large_20_balboas.jpg

Tags: escutcheon republicas shiled reipvblicae soldier colours balboas crests pamana panama sliver bannered republique stand eagles crest repvbliqve eaglets insignia chevrons repbulique colors repvblique 2nd flags anniv poles arm lev shields republika siver egals stands banner republiek blanket feinsilber silver coats banners soldjer anniversario conqueror republiove hand conquestidor quistador silber republik shaking chevron coat silverish shaft pole logo conquistador repub flag arms anniversary standing creast repvblica sheild argent republicans handshake one republicia crested repvbblica 20th soldiers nunez eagel republican vasco ones rebublique hands eagle aniversario balboa egal shield silb escucheon republ republica shild soldiered silba republic

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