Australia Sovereign and Half Sovereign 1893 to 1901

Australia Sovereign and Half Sovereign 1893 to 1901

To qualify as an Australian coin, and not a sovereign or half sovereign from Great Britain, an S=Sydney, M=Melbourne, or P=Perth mint mark must appear on the dragonslayer side just above the date. The mint marks are difficult to see, so check closely. If your coin does not have an S, M, or P, click to this CoinQuest link for evaluation.

The half sovereigns from Australia are generally worth more than their counterparts from Great Britain; the sovereigs are about the same. As with all gold coins, the minimum they can be worth is their base value (BV), or the current price of the gold they contain.

HALF SOVEREIGN: 19 mm diameter, 0.1177 troy ounces gold
SOVEREIGN: 22 mm diameter, 0.2353 troy ounces gold

Find the current price of gold on web sites such as

For *common date* Aussie coins, figure these as approximate catalog values:

worn: BV
average circulated: BV + $100 US dollars
well preserved: BV + $400
fully uncirculated: BV + $3000

worn: BV
average circulated: BV
well preserved: BV + $50
fully uncirculated: BV + $100

There are two *better date* coins in these series.

1893M: $10000 in well preserved condition

1899P: $1000 in well preserved condition

There are also valuable proof coins in this series, but we do not cover proofs here on CoinQuest. If you think you may have a proof coin, consult a knowledgeable collector or dealer.

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Australia Sovereign and Half Sovereign 1893 to 1901
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Coin: 13202, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201211, Last review: 202110
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1893, filter: 1893 to 1901
Image: great_britain_sovereign_1900.jpg

Tags: sovgn regina georg god deum diety galloping emperer british halves ind sovereign imperator geogivs emperado inde imperatore goddess emperador reginaf brittish emporer dei victoria vicoria georgeivs india emperor stallion mounted halfe georgivis divine horseman georgius soverigns victotia riding georgivs reginam england victoriad reins brittain rein vail brittan veil regini veiled gods geor empress victor imper george rider britt prance queen equestres dom emperio brit geroges queens english georgiv deo victoriya britan emperator equestrian geogius britian sov horse deus ride fid mountie deity dragons giorgi emperur half britain georgious viktoria emp georgvs kingdom empereur georgian soverein prancing australian australia impc georgevs horses impz mount dragonslayer regal imperaior horsehead georgium pony slayer emperuer kingdoms gra devm imperat dragon imp dios horseback saint godess empreradur georgvis santa sovereigns

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