Canada 5 Cents Victory Commemorative (Fakes are possible) 1943 to 1945

Canada 5 Cents Victory Commemorative (Fakes are possible) 1943 to 1945

These commemorative nickels have not yet started to pick up value, even in well-preserved condition. Use the Important Terminology page above to understand what 'catalog' means.

1943: BRASS (tombac alloy)

In 1944 the Royal Canadian Mint produced coins with the 5 cent Victory pattern, but in chrome-plated steel instead of the very soft tombac brass. Here are typical catalog values:

COINS DATED 1943 (brass)
worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $1
fully uncirculated: $8

COINS DATED 1944 OR 1945 (chrome plated steel)
worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $1
fully uncirculated: $4

While 1944 chrome coins are common, the 1944 brass issue is extremely rare. Reportedly, 8000 were minted in brass, but only a single specimen is known to exist; they were most likely never distributed into circulation, but somehow a single coin escaped the mint, maybe in the pocket of a mint employee.

If you have the second specimen of the brass Victory commemorative 5 cent with the 1944 date, you are very lucky. However, it is most likely a counterfeit.

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Canada 5 Cents Victory Commemorative (Fakes are possible) 1943 to 1945
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Coin: 1321, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 200908, Last review: 201909
Appearance: Hexagon ~ Octagon ~ N-sides Metallic brown Metallic gray Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1943, filter: 1943 to 1945
Image: canada_5_cents_1943.jpg

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