Canada Magdalen Islands One Penny 1815

Token Canada Magdalen Islands One Penny 1815

According to Museum Victoria in Melbourne, Australia, Sir Isaac Coffin received the Magdalen Islands as a reward for his naval service to Britain during the American War of Independence. In 1815 he had penny tokens struck for use on the Magdeline Islands apparently believing he had the right to do so as Baronet. He may have visited the Islands in 1815 bringing the tokens with him but he did not stay long, being elected as a member of Parliament for Illchester in 1818. The tokens were used on the Island, most show wear brought about by circulation.

On the front is obviously a seal. The back is not so obvious. It is a fish that has been split and dried.

The token in our picture comes from ABC Coins and Tokens in Alnwick, UK. ABC's specimen sold for 70 British pounds, about $115 US dollars. If ABC or another reputable dealer were to buy a token like this from you, they would probably offer $50 US dollars or so. The markup keeps the dealership solvent.

These are rare tokens, and if you have one in any condition you are doing well. If you have one fully uncirculated, you are doing *really* well (I saw an unc token at $7500 US dollars in a recent auction).

Typical catalog values for these tokens run like this:

worn: $100 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $250
well preserved: $800
fully uncirculated: $2000

These values apply only to tokens that are free of problems, such as scratches, stains, cleanings, nicks, corrosion, and the like. Be sure to read our Important Terminology page to understand how catalog values work.

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Canada Magdalen Islands One Penny 1815
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Coin: 13347, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201211, Last review: 201411
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1815, filter: 1815 to 1815
Image: canada_magdalen_token_1815.jpg

Tags: encircled circal fishes rings jets seal pennys iceland exonumia cent peny jeton fisherman magdalen circling encircles circel encircle fish ringed fishing circumference encircling jetons ietton ring cents fisheries penny sealed jetton canadienne fishery circles loop circumscribed canada jet catfish circumscibed circuit lionfish salmon canadian circlet circle tokens loops canad pennies canadaian islands one fisher circular incircled salmen seals ones island circled success walrus token candian

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