Russia (CCCP) Precious 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150 Roubles 1977 to 1992

Russia (CCCP) Precious 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150 Roubles 1977 to 1992

The USSR (CCCP) issued several different types and styles of precious metal coinage between 1977 and 1992. These coins are worth their weight in precious metal. To find the value, look up the current price of silver, gold, palladium, or platinum at and multiply by the metal content, described below.

1991 palladium 0.250 troy ounces

1977 to 1980 silver 0.964 ounces
1991 palladium 0.499 ounces
1991 gold 0.050 ounces

1988 to 1991 palladium 0.999 ounces
1991 gold 0.100 ounces

1988 to 1991 gold 0.250 ounces

1977 to 1991 gold 0.500 ounces

1977 to 1990 platinum 0.500 ounces
1991 (bishop with ship) platinum 0.500 ounces
1991 (monument between busts) platinum 0.562 ounces

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Russia (CCCP) Precious 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 150 Roubles 1977 to 1992
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Coin: 13582, Genre: Orthodox and Slavic, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201300, Last review: 201500
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Metallic yellow Letters: Block style
Years: sort: 1977, filter: 1977 to 1992
Image: russia_cccp_modern_precious.jpg

Tags: encircled dwelling symbol garland pybah fort reif circal pvbab rings symbal 5th symbels courthouse russian russland orb mallot globe olympiad circling olimpiada pvbah architectural skyline globes reef encircles tourch olympic circel sphere encircle wreah cabin ringed circumference skyscraper encircling olympics spheres simbol 100 pvkak sickel ring globus olympique hut wing mallets rusia hammers olympiade olympische symbols 10th pvkah wreath circles loop mallet circumscribed circumscibed circuit rouble barn 50th pykak pykah symbles 100th pybab balls battlements circlet circle torches wreathed building casa hammered wreth residence roubles sledge russia ruble cccp rubles loops 25th rief ball sledgehammer pybak simble one rooblya circular incircled pygak sickle architecture olympia buildings home house winged torch ones workhouse wings circled houses earth 150th wreaths buildin wreathe hammer wreat 150 hemisphere pybnb pvbak structure

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