Canada (Saskatchewan) Praire Progress 1963

Medal Canada (Saskatchewan) Praire Progress 1963

These medals commemorate the progress made in the prairie Province of Saskatchewan between 1903 and 1963. They are made of base metal and sell retail for a few US dollars.

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Canada (Saskatchewan) Praire Progress 1963
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Coin: 13623, Genre: Medals, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201300, Last review: 201500
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1963, filter: 1963 to 1963
Image: canada_saskatchewan_medal_1963.jpg

Tags: escutcheon grain encircled regina dwelling shiled slicing scripts letter fort circal praire piece 60th rings monograms halves crests jubilaire rectangle twice courthouse piller crest upright reginaf insignia diamond chevrons lettering initials circling jublee halfe architectural arm wheat skyline encircles circel encircle shields wheats reginam wheatie lining cabin ringed circumference skyscraper encircling jubilaei slash town coats column ring regini lined hut lines jubil ivbalai caligraphy inscription canadienne two circles loop bar circumscribed canada queen circumscibed rectangular circuit chevron barn queens coat skull diamonds progress rectangles logo monogram progreso slice canadian battlements arms circlet crossbar circle columns pieces building half casa bars creast city slanted grains yrs pillar initals letters kingdom residence sheild jubille loops prarie years canad pillars line canadaian jvbilaei progresso regal plains circular prairie incircled peice architecture crested buildings home saskatchewan house kingdoms workhouse year outlined scrip inscriptions circled houses outline buildin slant jubilee lettered shield escucheon script candian outlining shild june structure calligraphy initial cities

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