US St. Louis Railway 1880 to Date

Token US St. Louis Railway 1880 to Date

Transportation tokens make great collectibles. A small subset of coin collectors also collect tokens, and then there are collectors who specialize in tokens and never collect coins. Tokens can engender just as much interest as coins, and they are almost always less expensive.

It is a good bet that someone recently acquired a large stash of St. Louis railway tokens and is now selling them on the Internet to token collectors. And token collectors, true to their hobby, are gobbling them up.

If you check eBay and Etsy you will find many of these tokens currently on sale. Searching only for ones that have actually sold at auction gives a good indication of retail price. Some have sold as high as $20 US dollars, but most go for $1 or $2 US dollars each. Or, you can put it on eBay and hope for that $20 customer!

If you would like to add one to your collection, search for bargains and get the $1 price. If you have one to sell, figure a coin dealer would probably pay 25 cents or so.

Check out this CoinQuest page for pictures of a neat transportation token from Moscow.

Coin: 13707, Genre: Tokens, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201300, Last review: 201607
Appearance: Unusual or irregular shape Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1880, filter: 1880 to 2050
Image: token_st_louis_railway.jpg

Tags: luis lud ludovicus centered untied ludovico ludouicus certer lodovico railways centers town centre louis united luise luiz fare off ludovicvs offcenter cut city railway ludov lvd louise rail one ludovigus ones ludovicis lvdovicvs center offset cities

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