China Fengtien (Fen-Tien) One Tael (Counterfeit) 1903

China Fengtien (Fen-Tien) One Tael (Counterfeit) 1903

Over the past few centuries China used two monetary systems: the cash system and the dollar system. In the cash system, 1000 cash equals one tael, at least approximately, since actual conversion rates changed with time and location. In the dollar system, 10 cash equals one cent, and 100 cents equals one dollar.

The coin catalogs show that Fengtien Province minted various cash and dollar coins, but no tael coins were produced, except one. The single Fengtien tael was produced as a pattern, that is, a trial coin that never circulated. The Fengtien tael is known by its Krause Mischler designation KM-PnA15 and is dated 1903. There is only one known specimen.

It was major numismatic (coin collecting) news when PCGS, a respected coin service, authenticated, graded, and encapsulated the PnA15. You can read about it, with pictures of the famous coin, on the PCGS site. The coin is insured for $5 million US dollars. It is not over-insured.

Mark, you might have a previously unknown genuine PnA15, but I doubt it. (Wouldn't that be nice?) Instead you have one of the many known counterfeits of the famous coin. You can find these on Internet auction sites and in coin shops around the world. These fake coins are worth zero, or close to zero, so there is no need to insure you coin for $5 million.

If you go to the PCGS page and compare your coin to the genuine one, you will find many small differences. For the fake in our picture at the upper right, there are two obvious differences: (1) the dragon image is mis-aligned, and (2) the annotation Fen-Tien is not hyphenated. Below is an image of a second fake without those discrepancies, but small differences nevertheless:


Coin: 13729, Genre: The Sinosphere, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201300, Last review: 201704
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin Chinese style
Years: sort: 1903, filter: 1903 to 1903
Image: china_fengtien_one_tael.jpg

Tags: encircled provedendo floret province circal fake ross rings providendo forges chinese providencia rosettes forge forgery circling encircles circel encircle ringed roses circumference china tael encircling posy ring fakes replicas chineese chine forger fentien counterfeit circles loop rose repro circumscribed circumscibed circuit tien replica taiwan provincial teal providentia circlet circle dragons prov counterfiet counterfet flowerettes rossette reproduction loops florets one chian circular incircled ones rosette circled dragon counterfeits taels fen fengtien reproductions

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