Israel 1 Agora 1960 to 1980

Israel 1 Agora 1960 to 1980

These 1 agora coins were minted by Israel between 1960 and 1980. All but the last year (1980) were minted in aluminum, with the 1980 coin in nickel. Modern coins like this which are made of non-precious metal are worth face value, and collectors might pay more than face value if you have a coin that is absolutely, fully uncirculated.

CoinQuest in general does not follow subtle minting varieties that are normally covered by more complete numismatic (coin collecting) publications, such as coin catalogs. But there is an interesting twist with this coin that Chris brings up. If you have a coin dated Jewish Era JE5723 (see our secondary picture), which equates to 1963AD, it might be more valuable than normal. Specifically, 1963 1 agora coins with coin alignment are worth more than 1 agora coins with medal alignment. Here's the difference between coin alignment and medal alignment:

1. Hold the coin between your thumb and forefinger so the wheat pattern is upright.

2. Be sure your forefinger is at the top of the coin, and your thumb is at the bottom.

3. Flip the coin from left to right, as if you were turning the pages of a book.

4. Check the position of the '1' side:
- if the '1' is right side up, you have medal alignment
- if the '1' is up side down, you have coin alignment

Most agora coins have medal alignment. If you have one with coin alignment, here are some approximate catalog values:

worn: $2 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $3
well preserved: $5
fully uncirculated: $12

Apply the concepts on our Terminology page to convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

Coin: 13830, Genre: Modern-only, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201302, Last review: 201501
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Block style
Years: sort: 1960, filter: 1960 to 1980
Image: israel_1_agora_1979.jpg

Tags: grain aluminium light limb judenpfennig israeli branch isreal sticks aluminum numeral medalion aribic medallion wheat jewish arabia wheats medals spray wheatie numerals medal medaille three agora badge stalks acorot twigs agorot israel twig medallic sprigs jew arab scalloped sprays arabian sprig branched grains branches 1st scallops arabic stick hebrew medallions one stalk branching ones arabesque scallop alum

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