Medieval Great Britain Gold Angel Coins of Elizabeth I (Fakes are possible) 1561 to 1582

Medieval Great Britain Gold Angel Coins of Elizabeth I (Fakes are possible) 1561 to 1582

Look at the amazing coin in our photograph. It comes from Baldwin's Auctions Ltd. in London. This particular specimen is in beautiful shape and it sold recently at auction for 2900 GBP (about $4400 US dollars). It is a prized component of someone's numismatic (coin collecting) holdings today.

These coins were minted in angel, half angel and quarter angel denominations during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of Great Britain. She reigned from 1558 to 1603. That is none other than Michael the Archangel (from the Bible) slaying a dragon on the front. The reverse pattern shows a ship holding a quartered shield with cross above. Alternately, the reverse pattern may be the bowsprit of a ship heading directly toward us, with a quartered shield.

The best way of telling the denomination of your coin is to weigh it. Jewelers have scales that will accurately weigh coins like this, so if you do not have one, visit your local jewelry store.

ANGEL approximate weight: 5 grams
HALF ANGEL approximate weight: 2.5 grams
QUARTER ANGLE approximate weight: 1.25 grams

The main factors in determining the value of your coin are (1) authenticity and (2) condition. Counterfeits abound in today's coin marketplace, so be sure you have a genuine piece, not a fake. The best way to protect yourself from counterfeits is to deal exclusively with reputable dealers that advertise in numismatic periodicals. Baldwins is a prime example. For other reputable dealers, see

Condition is the next most important factor. First, remember:


If your coin looks like the coin in our picture, it is in excellent condition. If it scratched, stained, worn to a frazzle, or if it has been cleaned, it is worth much less than coins with no such problems.

Very approximate retail values for these coins run like this:

excellent condition: $4000 to $6000 US dollars
good condition: $3000
coins with problems: $1500

excellent condition: $3000 to $5000 US dollars
good condition: $2500
coins with problems: $1000

excellent condition: $2000 to $4000 US dollars
good condition: $2000
coins with problems: $500

These values, obviously, are very approximate. If you would like CoinQuest to provide a more accurate estimate based on pictures you send, use the Contact Us link to start an e-mail exchange.

Coin: 13840, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: Early/Medieval
Created (yyyymm): 201302, Last review: 201705
Appearance: Unusual or irregular shape Metallic yellow Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1561, filter: 1561 to 1582
Image: medieval_angel_gold.jpg

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