Greece 20 Drachmai 1976 to 1988

Greece 20 Drachmai 1976 to 1988

These are modern coins that are worth face value in Greece. A collector may pay a few US dollars for a coin that is completely uncirculated.

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Greece 20 Drachmai 1976 to 1988
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Coin: 13893, Genre: Orthodox and Slavic, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201302, Last review: 201501
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Block style
Years: sort: 1976, filter: 1976 to 1988
Image: greece_20_drachmai_1978.jpg

Tags: hat dwelling greco soldier fort draxmai dpachmai paxmai helmets courthouse piller upright apaxmae headband nepikahm fez hooded drachme ehnikh architectural skyline bonnet drachmai paxme cabin apaxmee skyscraper apachmai evvhnikh greeks column helmet soldjer hut mokpatia ewhnikh hood drachamas drachma headdress barn araxmai apaxmai battlements dpaxmh dachm greece drachm columns building drachmes apaxme casa helmit pillar residence caps pillars departhadon cap eaahnikh greek dpaxmai architecture buildings home 20th house soldiers workhouse houses helmeted buildin hmokpatia structure soldiered

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