Mexico 5 and 10 Centavos 1864 to 1866

Mexico 5 and 10 Centavos 1864 to 1866

For a brief time between the first and second republics of Mexico, King Maximilian ruled the Mexican Empire, IMPERIO MEXICANO, and minted a few coins that are today highly sought by collectors. The silver 5 and 10 centavos are quite rare for small-denomination coins, and they command good collector premium.

It is very difficult to find Mexican Empire coins in well preserved condition. For that reason the price goes up rapidly as wear decreases. For coins with no scratches, stains, cleanings, nicks, gouges, and the like, the following catalog values apply:

worn: $20 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $30
well preserved: $100
fully uncirculated: $350
5 centavos dated 1866G and 1864P are more rare, multiply these values by 6

worn: $20 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $30
well preserved: $100
fully uncirculated: $350
10 centavos dated 1864P are more rare, double these values

Be sure to read our Terminology page so you can properly interpret these catalog values.

Coin: 13915, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201302, Last review: 201502
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1864, filter: 1864 to 1866
Image: mexico_10_centavos_1864.jpg

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