Egypt 1, 5, 10 Milliemes and 5 Piastres 1972 and 1973

Egypt 1, 5, 10 Milliemes and 5 Piastres 1972 and 1973

You will need to understand Eastern Arabic numerals (see insert) to interpret the date and denomination of these coins. They are modern coins, dated 1972AD and 1973AD on the Western Gregorian calendar, or AH1391 and AH1392 on the Islamic Hijri calendar.

The Islamic falcon shows on the front of these coins, and the denomination on the back. There is another Egyptian coin with a similar falcon at this CoinQuest link.

The 5 milliemes coin looks similar to the 5 piastre coin, but their size is different:

5 MILLIEMES (large version in aluminum): 20 mm diameter
5 MILLIEMES (small version in brass): 17 mm
5 PIASTRES: 25 mm

As to value, these are modern, low-value coins made of aluminum, brass, or copper-nickel. Normal circulated coins are worth less than $1 or $2 US dollar each. If you can find a fully uncirculated coin, like the one in our picture, a collector might pay a few US dollars to add it to his or her collection.

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Egypt 1, 5, 10 Milliemes and 5 Piastres 1972 and 1973
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Coin: 13979, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201302, Last review: 202110
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1972, filter: 1972 to 1973
Image: egypt_10_milliemes_1972.jpg

Tags: escutcheon shiled curvy ribbons swirls crests curves 5th scribble eagles crest eaglets insignia egyptian chevrons aribic millieme turkish curl arm falcon arabia turks shields egals swirl milliemes turkee cummuriyeti twirly bowed curly piastre coats egypt piastries curlicues curved 10th swirly curving chevron meliems coat arab logo squiggley hawk arms curve curlycue turkiye sash squiggles arabian creast sqiggles 1st arabic sheild turkey swoosh piastres curls crested cumhiriyeti squigle eagel squiggly eagle scribbles arabesque egal shield escucheon ribon egyption cumhuriyeti squiggle shild piasters ribbon

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