South Africa 3 and 6 Pence 1923 to 1925

South Africa 3 and 6 Pence 1923 to 1925

South Africa issued coins with this pattern only between 1923 to 1925. After that, the pattern shown on this page took over.

The three and six pence contain small amounts of silver. This is not too significant unless you have a bunch of these coins. Here are the stats:

3 PENCE: 0.0363 troy ounces silver
6 PENCE: 0.0728 ounces silver

Multiply the current price of silver (see by 0.0363 or 0.0773 and you have the minimum value that this coin is worth.

But these coins are somewhat rare, so collector demand out shadows silver value, especially at high grades:

worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $9
well preserved: $25
fully uncirculated: $70
3 pence dated 1925 (that look like this picture) are rare and catalog near $200 in well preserved condition; worn coins are worth much less

worn: $5 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $12
well preserved: $35
fully uncirculated: $90

These are inflated catalog values. Use our Terminology page to convert catalog value to actual value.

Coin: 14014, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201302, Last review: 201502
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1923, filter: 1923 to 1925
Image: south_africa_3_pence_1923.jpg

Tags: georg garland reif rex emperer fourpence africano imperator geogivs emperado imperatore emperador afrique emporer afrikaans georgeivs africaanshe emperor sud south afrikaansche reef georgivis southern georgius georgivs wreah sixpence rexf africaine african geor empress imper rexx 6th george threepence wreath pence rexm emperio africa afrik geroges georgiv zuid emperator geogius wreathed giorgi emperur georgious emp georgvs wreth empereur georgian twopence impc georgevs rief impz suid imperaior georgium rexano emperuer afrika ziud imperat 3rd imp wreaths wreathe empreradur wreat georgvis

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