Ancient Rome Julius Ceasar Elephant Denarius (Fakes are possible) 50BC to 50AD

Ancient Rome Julius Ceasar Elephant Denarius (Fakes are possible) 50BC to 50AD

According to, Julius Ceasar minted over 22 million 'Elephant Denarii' celebrating military campaigns against the Gauls, or, perhaps, general triumph of Rome over evil forces. These interpretations date the coin somewhere around 50BC to 50AD. The symbols on the back are all Roman religious symbols.

The specimen in our picture is in well preserved condition and comes from Stack's Bowers and Ponterio where it sold in 2013 for $980 US dollars.

Genuine examples of this coin catalog roughly as follows:

worn: $150 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $500
well preserved: $1500

But beware. With such a notable Ceasar and such a cool elephant, counterfeits of this coin are all over the place, and counterfeits are worth zero. Our secondary picture shows a typical fake, although many other fakes are known to exist.

Coin collecting is a Buyer Beware proposition. Never spend any significant amount of money unless you trust the person you are dealing with explicitly.

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Ancient Rome Julius Ceasar Elephant Denarius (Fakes are possible) 50BC to 50AD
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Coin: 14186, Genre: Ancient, Timeline: Ancient
Created (yyyymm): 201303, Last review: 201502
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: -50, filter: -50 to 50
Image: ancient_ceasar_elephant.jpg

Tags: caes symbol fake denar symbal forges symbels ceasars elephant caesar forge snakes denarius romanorum forgery ceaser elephants simbol serpent fakes replicas forger roma counterfeit symbols romen repro denario ceasar replica symbles rome asp roman counterfiet counterfet denari reproduction romana simble one romanorvm ones julius snake caeser counterfeits ancient asps reproductions

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