Korea (South) 100 Won 1970 to Date

Korea (South) 100 Won 1970 to Date

These are neat coins from South Korea made in copper-nickel. In worn and average circulated condition, they are very common and worth essentially face value (a few cents US). As condition improves and dates get older, they start to pick up a little value.

100 WON 1970 TO 1974
worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $15
fully uncirculated: $35
100 won dated 1973 are very common; divide these values by four

100 WON 1975 TO 1981
worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $3
fully uncirculated: $8

100 WON 1982 TO DATE
worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: less than $1
fully uncirculated: $2
100 won dated 1985 are more rare and catalog at $10 in well preserved condition
100 won dated 1998 are more rare and catalog at $5 in well preserved condition

As always you must apply the concepts on our Important Terminology page to convert these catalog values to actual buy and sell values.

Coin: 14189, Genre: The Sinosphere, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201303, Last review: 201502
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Chinese style
Years: sort: 1970, filter: 1970 to 2050
Image: korea_south_100_won_1979.jpg

Tags: encircled hat won beading period male circal bearded periods rings wiskers whisker man helmets outteredge chinese rim headband fez hooded goty sud circling south edging encircles bonnet southern beard circel encircle edged edges ringed circumference china beaded encircling 100 beareded helmet ring korean japanise chineese chine point hood mans circles loop circumscribed japanes circumscibed dots headdress circuit korea beads zuid japan 100th taiwan points circlet japanize circle mens beared helmit yrs pearl caps loops years bead cap pearls suid chian japenese circular incircled japanese ziud dot year tee circled helmeted goatee gotee edge dotted whiskers

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