Japan Cash Coins 4 Mon with 11 and 21 Waves 1768 to 1860

Japan Cash Coins 4 Mon with 11 and 21 Waves 1768 to 1860

The Japanese Shogunate (military leadership) cast these coins in the 4 mon denomination with both 11 and 21 waves on the reverse. In general the 11 wave coins are a tad more valuable than the 21 wave type, but condition, more than anything, affects value the most.

Catalog prices are quite low and, if you have a coin in average circulated condition (like our images) or worse, the catalog values are correct. However, we believe that coins from The Sinosphere are poised to go up sharply in value, but that will only happen with well-preserved coins.

Here is what the catalogs say today. Tomorrow we believe the well preserved value will go up substantially.

worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $5
well preserved: $20

worn: $2 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $4
well preserved: $8

Please review our Terminology page to properly understand catalog value.

Coin: 14257, Genre: The Sinosphere, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201303, Last review: 201503
Appearance: Square hole at center Metallic brown Letters: Chinese style
Years: sort: 1768, filter: 1768 to 1860
Image: japan_21_waves.jpg

Tags: arch encircled slicing curvy waves circal dome wavy cupro bronzes swirls rings xxcas 4th wavey curves scribble chinese xcash copper bronze logograms logogram brass coppery circling curl encircles waive wave circel encircle swirl lining ringed squares hole twirly circumference china bowed encircling slash curly character ring boxes spirals curlicues lined waving lines squarish japanise curved chineese chine xxcash circles characters loop bar circumscribed swirly curving japanes circumscibed circuit box squared boxed japan taiwan square squiggley slice circlet japanize crossbar curve circle curlycue coppers four bars squiggles slanted mon holes sqiggles cash loops swoosh line curls chian japenese circular incircled 11th archi squigle japanese squiggly outlined arches circled outline arched scribbles slant holed spiral archim outlining squiggle arche

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