Early China Tai He Zhong Bao Amulet (Jin Dynasty)

Early China Tai He Zhong Bao Amulet (Jin Dynasty)

According to our favorite web site about such coins, PrimalTrek.com, the four-character inscription on this massive charm, tai he zhong bao, means 'peace and harmony' or 'prosperity and harmony.'

The Jin Dynasty dates back at least 1000 years ago, so genuine coins are that old. The question is, 'is my coin really that old, or is it a modern fake?'

Counterfeiting is rampant in Chinese coins today. The only sure-fire method of distinguishing authentic from replica coins is to submit them for professional authentication. However, knowledgeable collectors and professional coin dealers can usually identify less-than-perfect fakes with an in-person inspection.

We have seen genuine coins selling around these prices:

worn: $20 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $30
well preserved: $60

These are very approximate values.

Coin: 14302, Genre: The Sinosphere, Timeline: Early/Medieval
Created (yyyymm): 201303, Last review: 201503
Appearance: Square hole at center Metallic brown Letters: Chinese style
Years: sort: 1200, filter: 476 to 1599
Image: china_tai_he_zhong_bao.jpg

Tags: encircled charms scripts letter circal amulet tai rings monograms 4th goldenen jin chinese lettering initials circling encircles circel encircle harmony ringed squares hole circumference china encircling ring dynasty boxes flat squarish gold chineese chine caligraphy charm inscription circles loop circumscribed circumscibed circuit box squared boxed golden gildt monogram taiwan square circlet circle goldish initals letters holes loops one chian bao circular incircled ones scrip inscriptions circled amulets zhong holed lettered talisman script annulet calligraphy initial

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