India Bohpal Pie, Anna Coinage 1868 to 1901

India Bohpal Pie, Anna Coinage 1868 to 1901

Mushmeek sent us these pictures of his neat coin from the old Indian State of Bohpal. Identifying these coins is difficult. That's why we defer to the *real experts* who live over at World of Coins (click here).

The denomination is most easily determined by the weight. From World of Coins:

1 anna about 30 grams, 27 mm diameter
1/2 anna about 15 grams, 21 mm
1/4 anna about 7.5 grams, 17 mm

and the pie would be smaller and lighter yet.

The coin catalogs are not very kind to these coins. They evaluate them with small values. It is CoinQuest's opinion that the values of these coins will rise quickly over the next decade or so. The Internet and other modern technologies are exposing more and more people to the fascinating study of Indian coinage. This will increase demand for an already limited supply. Prices will rise.

Typical catalog values for all denominations run roughly like this:

worn: $2 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $10
well preserved: $30

If you have one of these coins, we suggest you keep it and build a nice collection around it. Your collecting endeavor should be fun and potentially quite profitable.

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India Bohpal Pie, Anna Coinage 1868 to 1901
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Coin: 14417, Genre: Islamic Hindu Buddhist, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201304, Last review: 201503
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic brown Letters: Flowing style
Years: sort: 1868, filter: 1868 to 1901
Image: india_bohpal_anna.jpg

Tags: moslem curvy cupro bronzes swirls ind curves com scribble inde kdxgasq copper bronze bohpal pie mallot brass india coppery aribic curl arabia swirl anna twirly bowed curly curlicues mallets curved hammers islamic imgur mallet annas swirly curving princely arab squiggley urdu curve curlycue coppers squiggles arabian hammered sqiggles caliphate arabic sledge swoosh sledgehammer curls squigle squiggly muslim islam scribbles arabesque hammer squiggle

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