Iceland 10 Aurar and 25 Aurar 1940 to 1942

Iceland 10 Aurar and 25 Aurar 1940 to 1942

Oh no! Your coin is holed? I'm sorry to read that! That makes it worthless. Collectors will only very rarely buy holed coins as fillers for their collections when the coins are extremely scarce, and at highly reduced prices.

These coins, however, are not scarce. They are borderline modern coins minted in copper-nickel with quite high mintages and a quite low demand.

These are approximate catalog values for the 1940 10 and 25 aurar coins from Iceland.

10 AURAR 1940:
worn: less than $1 approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $2
fully uncirculated: $5

25 AURAR 1940:
worn: less than $1 approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $1
well preserved: $1
fully uncirculated: $3

In 1942 these coins were switched from copper-nickel composition to zinc. The trouble with zinc coins is that they age very poorly. They get dark and spotted. Uncirculated zinc coins with good eye appeal always command decent prices. The coin in our secondary picture could be called 'well preserved,' but most collectors would go with 'average circulated' due to the streaks on the ISLAND 10 AURAR side. Here are catalog values for the 1942 coins.

10 AURAR 1942:
worn: $2 approximate catalog value
average circulated: less than $2
well preserved: $6
fully uncirculated: $35

25 AURAR 1942:
worn: $1 approximate catalog value
average circulated: $3
well preserved: $5
fully uncirculated: $30

Coin: 14422, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201304, Last review: 201503
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1940, filter: 1940 to 1942
Image: iceland_25_aurar_1940.jpg

Tags: escutcheon tiera shiled christianiss scripts beading curvy period letter swirls periods monograms christ crests curves scribble iceland crest tiarra insignia chevrons lettering initials tiara cruciform curl arm christianvs crown crossing shields swirl twirly bowed beaded curly coats crowning curlicues curved caligraphy point inscription 10th christian swirly curving crowns maltese dots chevron coat beads crosses logo crowned monogram points squiggley arms curve curlycue squiggles creast aurar initals letters crossed sqiggles sheild pearl swoosh 25th bead pearls curls christianus maltise islands criss crested squigle squiggly dot cross island scrip inscriptions scribbles konungur lettered shield escucheon aureus dotted script squiggle shild calligraphy initial

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