Monaco 5 Francs 1971 to 1995

Monaco 5 Francs 1971 to 1995

Though these nickel coins are very modern, Monaco is a tiny, tiny country. Not a lot of coins are required for there to be enough to go around for all of its citizens. This means that mintages for most years stay very low, and this provides these coins with a value due to scarcity as collectors of world coins seek to complete their collections.

Approximate catalog values for most years go like this:

worn: less than $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $2
well preserved: $5
fully uncirculated: $12

Coins dated 1971, 1974 or 1982 (your coin Spencer, sadly) are common; divide the above values by 2 for coins of these dates. The exception is for 1982 dated coins that are absolutely, fully uncirculated, which catalog for the usual $10 US dollars.

Remember that these are catalog values (see our 'Important Terminology' page on the top left) and only apply to problem-free coins that are not scratched, gouged or stained.

Coin: 14603, Genre: Central Europe North South, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201304, Last review: 201504
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1971, filter: 1971 to 1995
Image: monaco_5_francs_1971.jpg

Tags: tiera scripts curvy letter bearded swirls monograms wiskers prince whisker curves iii 5th scribble tiarra diamond lettering initials tiara goty sideburns mustache curl franks crown beard swirl sideburn twirly bowed curly beareded crowning curlicues curved monaco caligraphy inscription moustache swirly curving crowns rainier frank diamonds princes mushtash crowned monogram squiggley curve curlycue beared squiggles initals letters sqiggles fancs francs swoosh curls franc squigle squiggly tee scrip inscriptions scribbles goatee gotee lettered script whiskers squiggle calligraphy initial

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