Great Britain Crown 1902

Great Britain Crown 1902

These gorgeous coins were minted only in 1902. They contain 0.841 troy ounces of silver, so even if worn and mangled, they can never be worth less than their silver content.

We noticed when preparing this page that the current catalog values do not reflect reality. Coins sold at recent actions bring much higher prices than the Standard Catalog indicates. We have adjusted our listing below accordingly.

worn: $60 US dollars approximate catalog value
average circulated: $100
well preserved: $280
fully uncirculated: $600

As always on CoinQuest, these are catalog values. You must adjust them based on the principles outlined on our Terminology page.

Coin: 14724, Genre: Colonizers and Colonies, Timeline: World
Created (yyyymm): 201305, Last review: 201505
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1902, filter: 1902 to 1902
Image: great_britain_crown_1902.jpg

Tags: tiera headed georg god rev deum diety rex galloping def emperer british ind sliver imperator outteredge geogivs emperado inde imperatore goddess tiarra emperador reign rim brittish emporer dei tiara georgeivs india emperor tutamen stallion mounted edouard crown regne georgivis edging divine horseman annvm balding georgius edged riding georgivs england siver edges feinsilber silver reins rexf brittain omn exergue rein regnat brittan crowning regno regnum gods geor bald empress decus nose imper rexx george rider vii edwardus britt heads prance rexm equestres dom crowns regn silber emperio brit geroges oneheaded english georgiv silverish deo anno britan emperator equestrian geogius britian crowned horse deus ride fid mountie deity head dragons giorgi emperur britain georgious emp georgvs empereur georgian ano regnal argent prancing impc regni georgevs horses impz mount dragonslayer imperaior edwards horsehead georgium edward pony slayer rexano emperuer gra edwardvs devm imperat dragon imp dios horseback godess empreradur eduardus georgvis silb great edge reyna silba

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