Korea (South) 100 Hwan 1959

Korea (South) 100 Hwan 1959

The legendary founding of Korea happened in 2333 BC on Gregorian (Western) calendars. That makes the Korean year 4292 equivalent to 1959 AD, and that is the date of this coin. These were minted only that year and the mintage is not known. Even though they are made of non-precious copper-nickel, collectors are willing to pay a little money to add one of these unique items to their collections.

Catalog values get downright respectable for this modern coin:

worn: $1 US dollar approximate catalog value
average circulated: $4
well preserved: $8
fully uncirculated: $50

Remember these are catalog values and represent inflated price. To correct for catalog inflation, apply the concepts shown on our Important Terminology page.

Coin: 14785, Genre: The Sinosphere, Timeline: Modern
Created (yyyymm): 201305, Last review: 201505
Appearance: Normal round coin Metallic gray Letters: Latin
Years: sort: 1959, filter: 1959 to 1959
Image: korea_south_100_hwan_1959.jpg

Tags: parrot republicas reipvblicae republique twice birds repvbliqve owl ill centered beak gull repbulique repvblique beek cruciform sud south crow crossing southern certer pigeon republika republiek centers flamingo 100 centre korean lyrebird republiove two maltese republik korea zuid crosses 100th repub beaks off offcenter repvblica crossed republicans kim bird maltise suid hwan republicia criss repvbblica republican ziud rebublique cross center republ offset republica republic

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